Tuesday, August 10, 2010

when inspiration finds you

I just spent the last three and a half hours in the van with three screaming kids.  Why?  Well, it's our last summer vacation to the beach before the big move and I like to torture myself with Raffi songs.  Ha!  I have spent the afternoon unpacking us, making two very sleepy toddlers take naps, and surprisingly have enjoyed a little peace and quiet...alone!  I almost didn't know what to do with myself.

So - it being about 106 degrees outside, I decided to flip on the fan and just relax with a little surfing.  I visited one of my favorite sites - Shabby Princess and promptly downloaded their newest kits (yay for digi scrapping!) and then surfed on over to FB to update my status.  Important stuff you know.

One of my friends asked me to vote her kid the cutest on a photographer's page and of course I did and then was curious (we photographers often are) and found the most amazing girls that take pictures locally.  Two things happened - 1.  I called Kevin to ask him to check the calendar because we were finally going to have a family portrait made and we were all gonna be in it and 2.  I was inspired. 

With all the craziness of getting ready for school and trying to move across the country, my photography gear has collected some dust.  I don't like it anymore than you do, but by the time I have a moment to myself - I'm zonked.  I am itching to get out there and photograph everything.  Not just for school, but to really make a go of it and shoot full time.  It's not a lot to ask, but in a way it is.  I want to be a hired lens - have camera will travel- kind of thing.  I can do it - I will - it's just a matter of having the patience to ride out being a mother to toddlers...or maybe I could just hire a nanny...hmmm.

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